Unnamed Fossil Project

Help: all

The "all" command:

Usage: fossil all SUBCOMMAND ...

The ~/.fossil file records the location of all repositories for a
user.  This command performs certain operations on all repositories
that can be useful before or after a period of disconnected operation.

On Win32 systems, the file is named "_fossil" and is located in

Available operations are:

   cache       Manages the cache used for potentially expensive web
               pages.  Any additional arguments are passed on verbatim
               to the cache command.

   changes     Shows all local checkouts that have uncommitted changes.
               This operation has no additional options.

   clean       Delete all "extra" files in all local checkouts.  Extreme
               caution should be exercised with this command because its
               effects cannot be undone.  Use of the --dry-run option to
               carefully review the local checkouts to be operated upon
               and the --whatif option to carefully review the files to
               be deleted beforehand is highly recommended.  The command
               line options supported by the clean command itself, if any
               are present, are passed along verbatim.

   config      Only the "config pull AREA" command works.

   dbstat      Run the "dbstat" command on all repositories.

   extras      Shows "extra" files from all local checkouts.  The command
               line options supported by the extra command itself, if any
               are present, are passed along verbatim.

   fts-config  Run the "fts-config" command on all repositories.

   info        Run the "info" command on all repositories.

   pull        Run a "pull" operation on all repositories.  Only the
               --verbose option is supported.

   push        Run a "push" on all repositories.  Only the --verbose
               option is supported.

   rebuild     Rebuild on all repositories.  The command line options
               supported by the rebuild command itself, if any are
               present, are passed along verbatim.  The --force and
               --randomize options are not supported.

   sync        Run a "sync" on all repositories.  Only the --verbose
               option is supported.

   setting     Run the "setting", "set", or "unset" commands on all
   set         repositories.  These command are particularly useful in
   unset       conjunction with the "max-loadavg" setting which cannot
               otherwise be set globally.

   server      Run the "ui" or "server" commands on all repositories.
   ui          The root URI gives a listing of all repos.

In addition, the following maintenance operations are supported:

   add         Add all the repositories named to the set of repositories
               tracked by Fossil.  Normally Fossil is able to keep up with
               this list by itself, but sometimes it can benefit from this
               hint if you rename repositories.

   ignore      Arguments are repositories that should be ignored by
               subsequent clean, extras, list, pull, push, rebuild, and
               sync operations.  The -c|--ckout option causes the listed
               local checkouts to be ignored instead.

   list | ls   Display the location of all repositories.  The -c|--ckout
               option causes all local checkouts to be listed instead.

Repositories are automatically added to the set of known repositories
when one of the following commands are run against the repository:
clone, info, pull, push, or sync.  Even previously ignored repositories
are added back to the list of repositories by these commands.

  --showfile     Show the repository or checkout being operated upon.
  --dontstop     Continue with other repositories even after an error.
  --dry-run      If given, display instead of run actions.