Unnamed Fossil Project

Help: bundle

The "bundle" command:

Usage: fossil bundle SUBCOMMAND ARGS...

  fossil bundle append BUNDLE FILE...

     Add files named on the command line to BUNDLE.  This subcommand has
     little practical use and is mostly intended for testing.

  fossil bundle cat BUNDLE UUID...

     Extract one or more artifacts from the bundle and write them
     consecutively on standard output.  This subcommand was designed
     for testing and introspection of bundles and is not something
     commonly used.

  fossil bundle export BUNDLE ?OPTIONS?

     Generate a new bundle, in the file named BUNDLE, that contains a
     subset of the check-ins in the repository (usually a single branch)
     described by the --branch, --from, --to, and/or --checkin options,
     at least one of which is required.  If BUNDLE already exists, the
     specified content is added to the bundle.

        --branch BRANCH            Package all check-ins on BRANCH.
        --from TAG1 --to TAG2      Package check-ins between TAG1 and TAG2.
        --checkin TAG              Package the single check-in TAG
        --standalone               Do no use delta-encoding against
                                     artifacts not in the bundle

  fossil bundle extend BUNDLE

     The BUNDLE must already exist.  This subcommand adds to the bundle
     any check-ins that are descendants of check-ins already in the bundle,
     and any tags that apply to artifacts in the bundle.

  fossil bundle import BUNDLE ?--publish?

     Import all content from BUNDLE into the repository.  By default, the
     imported files are private and will not sync.  Use the --publish
     option to make the import public.

  fossil bundle ls BUNDLE

     List the contents of BUNDLE on standard output

  fossil bundle purge BUNDLE

     Remove from the repository all files that are used exclusively
     by check-ins in BUNDLE.  This has the effect of undoing a
     "fossil bundle import".

  fossil bundle append BUNDLE FILE...              Add files to BUNDLE
  fossil bundle cat BUNDLE UUID...                 Extract file from BUNDLE
  fossil bundle export BUNDLE ?OPTIONS?            Create a new BUNDLE
         --branch BRANCH --from TAG1 --to TAG2       Check-ins to include
         --checkin TAG                               Use only check-in TAG
         --standalone                                Omit dependencies
  fossil bundle extend BUNDLE                      Update with newer content
  fossil bundle import BUNDLE ?OPTIONS?            Import a bundle
         --publish                                   Publish the import
         --force                                     Cross-repo import
  fossil bundle ls BUNDLE                          List content of a bundle
  fossil bundle purge BUNDLE                       Undo an import

See also: publish